Tax Time for Your Building Business – The Essentials!

If you’re in the building trade, tax time may not be your favourite time of year. The sheer number of items which may show up on your books, in various degrees of cost and levels of frustration, is hardly appealing. The critical thing to know about this taxing time of year, however, is that there [...]

2022-05-24T05:09:58+00:00September 17th, 2018|Uncategorised|

UniCote Steel: The World’s #1 Pre-painted Steel

UniCote steel is a highly durable and cost effective alternative in coloured steel, making it our first choice for looking great and holding up in the harsh Brisbane Queensland climate.   Benefits of UniCote Durability UniCote is a pre-painted sheet metal with hot dipped aluminium and zinc alloy for excellent durability. The paint system used [...]

2023-07-11T08:25:30+00:00September 10th, 2018|UniCote|

Latest News in Australian Commercial Building from Brisbane, QLD

Commercial building in Australia is undergoing a major refocus in terms of scale, and depth. The redevelopment of Australia’s commercial building spaces is well underway around the nation. The trends are interesting, in both commercial and technical aspects.   The Quiet but Huge Boom in Commercial Building It’s not just the big projects like Barangaroo [...]

2024-05-31T11:56:12+00:00September 3rd, 2018|Uncategorised|
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