Custom Made Flashings
We manufacture common flashings such as aprons, barge flashings, box gutters and angles, right through to custom designed flashings to suit any unique application. We supply flashings for both commercial and domestic applications and they are available in a wide range of materials, sizes and colours. Rollsec flashings are available in UniZinc®, UniCote® or Galvanised material as well as specialty metals such as Copper or 316 Grade Stainless Steel for those special projects. Flashings are available in a range different base metal thicknesses from 0.4mm BMT – 3mm dependent on the material used.
Please contact us on 07 3041 4980 or to obtain a price for your required flashings.
Flashings Order Form
If you would like to email through a drawing of the flashings you require for a quote or an order feel free to use the form below.
Download Rollsec Flashings Form
Minimum flashing fold is 8mm. Safety edge = 2 Bends. Maximum flashing length is 8 LM. Flashings under 1 LM will be charged at a minimum of 1 LM. Standard bend tolerance is ±2mm. Please advise if flashing length is critical.
Flashings Guide