When it comes to accessories for your next project, Rollsec has all the products that professional roofers need. From paint to screws to duct tape, we can help you get the job done.

 Other Accessories – Building and Roofing

A Wide Array of Accessories

Rollsec is here to supply roofing businesses with all the products they require for their work. Whether you need extra materials for your job, screws and fasteners for your roof or infill strips to close off your sheeting, we can help you.

Our range includes touch up paint, rivets, infill strips, silicone, foil fasteners, and even duct tape. Looking for a product you can’t find? Simply call our team for any help you need.

Touch Up Paint in Brisbane

Touch Up Paint

Our fast-drying acrylic spray paint is perfect for all your touch up paint jobs.

Screws by Rollsec in Brisbane


Rollsec stocks a wide range of roofing screws and fasteners, including T17 roofing screws, Multifix roof zips, Self Drilling Screws and wafer head teks.

Rollsec - Rivets


We provide general purpose pop rivets for fixing into metal, available in a range of UniCote® colours.

Infill Strips by Rollsec in Brisbane

Infill Strips

If you need to close off the opening at the end of your roof sheets, choose infill strips from Rollsec, available for a range of different roof profiles.

Dektites To Seal Off A Penetrating Post Or Pipe In Your Roof In Brisbane.


To seal off a penetrating post or pipe in your roof, use Dektites. These rubber cones are available in a range of sizes.

Silicone Sealant For All Your Roof And Guttering Applications In Brisbane


Our silicone sealant is perfect for all your roof and guttering applications.

Rollsec - Door Handle Buffer

Foil Fasteners

Fix insulation blanket to timber battens or purlins using foil fasteners.

 Duct Tape - Rollsec

Duct Tape

Perfect for a huge variety of different purposes, you should always have duct tape in your toolbox.


You can order all the roofing products and roofing accessories with Rollsec quickly and easily:

For ordering and pricing, use the appropriate links.

  • When making your order, please identify the specific product(s) and quantity required for each product listed on your order.

Need Roofing? Talk to Rollsec

Whenever you want roofing products in Brisbane, just call us. Talk to our roofing experts for any guidance or useful help you need. You can call us on 07 3267 7171 or contact Rollsec online. We’ll be happy to assist and provide you with any services.

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